German spy Josef Jakobs landed in a farmer’s field near the village of Ramsey on the evening of January 31, 1941. Having broken his ankle while leaving the aircraft, Josef was unable to move from his landing place and lay there all night. The following morning at around 8:30 a.m. he fired his pistol into the air several times to attract attention. He was in luck and two farm workers heard his shots and came to his rescue.

According to the MI5 files, the pistol that Josef used was a 7.65 mm Mauser pocket pistol, serial number 489366.
The Mauser pistol was manufactured by the German Small Arms company, Mauser-Werke A.G. Oberndorfe A.N.
Based on the serial number, Josef’s pistol would have been a 1914/34 model (transitional from the 1914 model to the 1934 model). It was manufactured sometime between 1929 and 1933.
While Josef’s gun saved his life on the morning of February 1, it was only a reprieve for on August 15, 1941, Josef would face the rifles of a Scots Guards firing squad.
Security Service files on Josef Jakobs, KV 2/24, National Archives, Kew, London.
German Mauser pistols – website – accessed Oct 2, 2014 (N.B. 2021 – link no longer works)
Header image – Fdsdh1, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons