
Karel Richter at the Centre of a Conspiracy Theory

Given that Josef Jakobs and Karel Richter trained together in Hamburg under the Abwehr, I am always interested in information on Richter. Sifting through the internet the other day, I came across a rather odd article and even odder site that mentioned Richter. The site is called the Online Publishing Company (OPC) and is run […]

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Capture of German Spy, Josef Jakobs – 75th Anniversary

2016 marks the 75th anniversary of Josef Jakobs’ ill-fated espionage mission to England. On the evening of January 31, 1941, Josef parachuted down from a Heinkel 111 aircraft. Having broken his ankle during his exit from the plain, Josef lay in agony for 12 hours before attracting the attention of some passing farmers on the

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Ramsey Rural Museum

Near the town of Ramsey, Huntingdonshire, is a historical treasure, the Ramsey Rural Museum. The Museum is managed and maintained by volunteers and is both quaint and informative. Housed in renovated 17th century farm buildings, the Museum exhibits include over 200 years of local history. I visited the Museum briefly in 2010 and while I

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German Spy equipped with Two and a Half Pounds of Chocolate

Recently I’ve reestablished contact with Martyn, grandson of Horace Jaikens, the police officer who was in charge of the Ramsey Police Station when Josef was captured. Martyn is a war history buff and a great source of information on Ramsey and the surrounding area. Last week, Martyn sent me some information from a book that

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