Robin William George Stephens

Robin W.G. Stephens – Clues from a Gravestone

War separates families. It separated Josef Jakobs from his wife and children, permanently. It’s not a unique story but sometimes I wonder… after hostilities… do people find each other again? Or are they forever burst asunder by the legacy of conflict? A few months back, I had written a blog post about the apparent estrangement […]

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The Second Italo-Ethiopian War and Robin W.G. Stephens

In reviewing the military file of Robin W.G. Stephens, I came across several references to Abyssinia and/or Ethiopia. On his application file, Stephens was asked: Have you an intimate knowledge of any parts of the British Empire, and/or Foreign Countries?  His handwriting is a bit of a cipher but it appears to read: Near &

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The Muscat Levy Corps and Captain Robin William George Stephens

I’ve known for a while that Robin W.G. Stephens, commandant of Camp 020, had spent some years in Muscat during the late 1920s. The more I dug into the Muscat Levy Corps, however, the more perplexed I became. What was a British officer doing commanding a group of soldiers, drawn from what is now Pakistan,

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Phyllis Gwendolen Townshend – first wife of Robin William George Stephens

Sometimes, when you hit a brick wall, it’s good to back up, and try another route. Given the current brick wall with the unknown death date of Robin William George Stephens, former commandant of Camp 020, I thought I would back up all the way to his first wife. I have tried various side tracks

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Expanded British Army Personnel Records from Robin William George Stephens

A few months back, I received an expanded version of the British Army personnel record for Robin William George Stephens. A couple of years ago, I was contacted by a cousin of Stephens’ and with his assistance was able to apply as a “family member”, which meant that more documents were released than to a

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Robin W.G. Stephens – Some more leads

I had emailed Christopher Andrew (author of the authorized history of MI5 – Defend the Realm/Defence of the Realm) a few weeks back asking if he had any further information on Robin W.G. Stephens, commandant of MI5’s secret interrogation centre, Camp 020. Specifically, I was interested in any information on Stephens’ death. Andrew replied back

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Robin W.G. Stephens and the Estrangement wrought by War

A few years ago, I received an email from a cousin of Robin W.G. Stephens (commandant of Camp 020). Robin had an aunt… and this cousin is the grandson of the aunt. I think. I had applied for Stephens’ army records in 2016 but, without a family connection, I received the sanitized version of his

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Another Clue in the Hunt for Robin William George Stephens

I had a comment on one of my Stephens blogs the other day from Stephen D. Stephen had tracked down a London Gazette notice dated 22 May 1942 relating to the second “wife” of Robin Stephens. It would appear that Joan Geraldine Pearson Dowling may not have married Robin Stephens, but simply undergone a legal

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