The Radio Show – Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm
Original Air Date – 2 August, 2014
Station – BBC Radio 4
Show – Punt PI: Steve Punt Investigates
Duration – 30 minutes
Host – Steve Punt
Producer – Sarah Bowen
Clip available here

In this half hour show, BBC’s resident gumshoe, Steve Punt, looks into the mystery surrounding a woman’s body found in an old hollow tree in Hagley Wood in the spring of 1943. The mystery has engendered a lot of speculation over the years and not a few conspiracy theories. Punt takes a look at the various theories and by interviewing witnesses (a 101 year old forensic scientist) and descendants of witnesses manages to dispel some of the more popular theories. Was it witchcraft, espionage or a prostitute who was in the wrong place at the wrong time? The show was quite enjoyable and apparently well-researched.
The show made no connection between Bella in the Wych Elm and Josef Jakobs and his mistress Clara Bäuerle, in part because evidence indicates that Clara passed away in Berlin on 16 December 1942. I did a fair bit of background research into Clara Bäuerle – the results of which were posted in a three part blog series:
Clara Bäuerle & Josef Jakobs
Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm
The Truth about Clara Bäuerle
I’ve also tracked down Clara’s death registration from Berlin.
Review Score
5/5 – enjoyable and well-researched with an interesting conclusion