Today in 1941 – August 5 – The Second Day of Josef Jakobs’ Court Martial took place at the Duke of York’s Headquarters (Chelsea).

The second day of the court martial began with the Prosecution re-commencing their cross-examination of Josef. Lt. Col. Hinchley-Cooke was re-called to the stand at one point to provide some clarification on points brought up during Josef’s testimony. Shortly after noon, the members of the court retired to consider their verdict. After 10 minutes, they returned to the court and the court martial was formally concluded. Josef was handed an envelope that contained the verdict and the sentence: Guilty – to be shot.
A few blogs about Josef’s court martial:
Overview of the Court Martial and the people involved
Members of the Court Martial
Judge Advocate at the trial – Carl Ludwig Stirling
Attorney for the Prosecution – Maj. Anthony Alfred Harmsworth Marlowe
Attorney for the Defence – Capt. Eric Vincent Ewart White
Stenographer & Interpreter at the trial