N.B. I posted a blog in April 2019 with new information that seems to confirm his real name was Kurt Karl Goose
Back in December 2015, I wrote a blog post about Double Agent GANDER who descended by parachute near the village of Bozeat. I had discovered the recollections of John E. Forth (the son of the police officer involved in the capture of the spy) on the Village of Bozeat website and incorporated the information into the blog.

I also wrote to the webmaster of the Village of Bozeat website, sharing the information I had discovered and asking if someone could put me in touch with John E. Forth. The editor of the Bozeat Matters newsletter contacted me and… the story was included in their March 2016 newsletter. We’ll see if it generates any leads.
The newsletter can be viewed here – (N.B. page no longer exists – they have a Facebook page now) click on the March 2016 newsletter and then the margins of the pages to “turn” pages. The story is on page 43.
Header Image – Image by Helmut Stirnweis from Pixabay