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The Spy in the Tower – Press, Promo and Published

The Spy in the Tower was sent out from the printers yesterday so should be hitting bookstores in the UK soon! I have yet to see a copy but am planning to stop by the Foyles book shop here in London tomorrow and see if they have received their copies.

I’ve done a couple of radio interviews whilst in London…

BBC RadioRobert Elms Show – 10 May – my interview starts around the 37 minute mark. Interview is about 15-20 minutes. Went by super quickly and I didn’t get a chance to mention all sorts of stuff! They had only received a pdf copy of the book that morning so their questions weren’t as well-researched as the TalkRadio people below… Such is life…

BBC Radio London (c) 2019 Giselle K. Jakobs
BBC Radio London (c) 2019 Giselle K. Jakobs

If you want to listen to it, you may need to register with the BBC online… It asks for a postal code – just use any UK postal code (it won’t accept non UK post codes)…

TalkRadioPaul Ross Late Late Early Early Show – 01 May – aired between 1 am and 5 am (ugh) – did a pre-recorded 10 minute interview – have yet to find an online version.

Daily Express also had a two page spread on the story of Josef in its 29 April 2019 edition. That was the day we arrived in London (late) but we did manage to run a couple copies to ground at the WH Smith in St. Pancras railway station! They did manage to use my father’s image instead of Josef’s… but that was corrected for the online version, which is available here

From THP site - photo is of Josef and his family circa 1910 (r to l - Josef, Emma, Anne, Maria, Kaspar) (c) G.K. Jakobs
From THP site – photo is of Josef and his family circa 1910 (r to l – Josef, Emma, Anne, Maria, Kaspar) (c) G.K. Jakobs

The interviewer kept calling me “Gretchen” (my grandmother’s nic-name) but got it right near the end of the interview. They actually asked some good questions and had obviously done their research.

The History Press has also published an online article about my quest for Josef… Their theme for their online newsletter for the month of May is “undercover”. They asked me to write something about the book – anything at all… so you can read what I wrote via the above link.

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