Scots Guards and the Execution of Josef Jakobs

Tourists in London flock to Buckingham Palace and the Wellington Barracks to see Changing the Guard. It is a spectacular event in which the company on duty assembles on the parade ground of Wellington Barracks and then makes its way to Buckingham Palace. The soldiers that guard the Queen’s residences are collectively known as the […]

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A Review of Stephen Stratford’s website on British Military & Criminal History

There are many websites on the internet that make reference to Josef Jakobs. A plethora of sites feature the trivia question: Who was the last person executed in the Tower of London? In addition to the trivia sites, there are several that contain grossly inaccurate information (reviews in progress). There are also several that present

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Josef Jakobs landed by parachute near Ramsey, Huntingdonshire

On the night of January 31, 1941, Josef Jakobs descended by parachute just southeast of the sleepy village of Ramsey, Huntingdonshire.  His descent in the darkness was unnoticed. His capture the following morning was inevitable given that he had broken his ankle either departing the aircraft or upon landing in a potato field. He was

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Did Josef Jakobs land in North Stifford, Essex?

The mystery and secrecy surrounding the capture of Josef Jakobs in 1941 has often made it difficult for researchers to track down accurate information on Jakobs and the circumstances surrounding his arrival in England. Over the years, two landing sites have been mentioned for Jakobs: North Stifford Village in Essex and Ramsey Village in Huntingdonshire.

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Ramsey Home Guard

On the morning of February 1, 1941, the Ramsey Home Guard received word that a suspected spy (Josef Jakobs) had been discovered in a field near Dove House Farm. Situated near the RAF Upwood airbase, the Home Guard was primed to be on the lookout for suspicious folk. A simple phone call by Home Guard

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Tower of London

Josef Jakobs on Facebook

I had no idea that Josef had a Facebook page! How can one have a Facebook page when one has been deceased for 70+ years? Well, apparently “famous people”, deceased or alive, get a Facebook page if they have a Wikipedia article. So the information on Josef’s Facebook page is essentially the same information as

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