From the Mailbox

A few things came through the mailbox this past week.

Hagen Family

I received an email from a granddaughter of Clara (nee Hagen) David. Clara and her husband Ernst were two individuals who tried to purchase forged Finnish passports from Jürgen Ziebell. Although they likely thought they were getting real ones.

The granddaughter and I are still in the early stages of communication but I am always delighted when my blogs generate these sorts of emails.

Blogger Headaches

Technically this isn’t mail but… it is news. When I first started this blog in 2012 (that long ago?), I used Google’s free blogging platform – Blogger. I registered the domain and was off and running. But now, I am bumping up against many of the limitations of Blogger and it is time to switch over to something with more features under the hood. I am in the process of making the transition from Blogger to WordPress. I’m hoping that there won’t be too much upheaval but there may be some days where things don’t appear as they should. Fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly.

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